300: Halloween Special: Supply Chain Horror Stories!

Halloween is a notoriously scary time, and what could be more spooky than hearing about some of the nightmares that have befallen supply chain professionals?

Join us for a panel discussion with some of the industry’s best and brightest as they share their scariest logistics stories.

You’ll hear more tales than just woes from suppliers who couldn’t deliver on time, warehouses that went up in flames, and shipments that were lost (or never even made it to their destination!).

This is sure to be a frightfully fun event – so don’t miss out on some of the nightmares that have befallen supply chain professionals first-hand.



[05.56] Introduction to the guests

Judd Marcello
Hope White
Dyci Sfregola
Eric Johnston

[08.50] Sharing of supply chain horror stories and personal experiences collected from various roles over the years.

[10.01] Financial Nightmares

Supplier relationships
Maintaining cash flow
Being a good human

“I say it as a bad boyfriend relationship at this point or a bad breakup. I don’t really want to hear anything else that you have to say, just me give me the stuff that you owe me and move on” -Hope

[15.27] Sarah shares a sting operation horror story

[18.10] Hope discusses how a guest on her show freaked her out

[19.20] Dyci talks about software vendors & implementation nightmares

One listener shares their horror story about software, too:

“My company had decided to switch software providers. They were so fed up with the old provider’s lack of updates and support. The new provider was supposed to be a life-saver. But it turned out to be a total mess. The implementation was chaotic and the supply chain was totally messed up. Orders were getting mixed up, shipments were being delivered late or not at all, and the customer service department was swamped with complaints. Worst of all, the company was hemorrhaging money as they tried to fix the mess. It seemed like nothing was going right. Maybe they should have just stuck with the old provider after all…”

[22.10] Microsoft teams are stumping our team

[22.56] Judd chats about emojis and the importance of knowing what they really mean

[23.45] Eric discusses mistakes in journalism and owning up to them

[27.25] Highway mishaps in Mustang, Oklahoma

[30.04] Guests discuss what Halloween costume they would want to wear to work every day and why

[36.05] A discussion about Supply Chain Digital’s Article on the 10 supply chain disasters in history

Hershey’s IT infrastructure
Candy trends

“Maybe that’s the [true] supply chain horror story—that we really haven’t learned anything from 1999.” -Sarah

[41.30] Implementation Horror Stories

Crisis mode
Rushed timelines
Complexity of implementation

[41.55] Eric’s take on what joining the LTSC family has meant to him & the future of Logtech Live

[47.30] Favorite Halloween candy

[50.40] Crisis Management

Reacting to situations
Contingency plans
Managing Emotions
Owning your mistakes

[59.05] Wrapping up with the guests & final thoughts on what joining LTSC has meant to them and the future of their live shows.


Needless to say, we had a blast recording this episode and hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it! If you want to hear more tales of woe (or just learn from the collective experience of some amazing professionals), be sure to tune in every week.

Head over to our panelists’ social media pages (linked above)!

You can also connect with Sarah and keep up to date with the latest over on LinkedIn. Want to binge-watch supply chain solutions? Head over to our YouTube channel.

If you enjoyed this episode, why not check out our other collection of podcasts that can help you avoid any supply chain nightmare out there? We cover everything from DEI to drayage and technology to trucking.

And if you have any stories of your own that you’d like to share, reach out – we’re always looking for new content. In the meantime, happy Halloween!

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