Elon Musk’s Tesla AI Day – Amazing innovations including the Optimus Robot.

Elon Musk’s Tesla AI Day – Amazing innovations including the Optimus Robot.

Watch Tesla AI Day 2022 from start to finish.  It is always amazing to see what Elon Musk is thinking and what he has in store for us.

Robots and AI Training

AI Supremacy: Super Intelligence Quantum Computers Documentary.
Artificial Intelligence and Robot Quotes.
Artificial Intelligence – The Future of AI.
Best AI Quotes.
Elon Musk: Artificial Intelligence Will Take Over in 5 Years.
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Robots and Artificial Intelligence Quotes

“Between 2040 and 2045, we will have developed a machine or machines that are not only equivalent to a human mind, but more intelligent than the entire human race combined.” ~Louis Del Monte
“The age of artificial intelligence is among us. AI used to be all about the future, but the future is here.” ~Dave Waters
“We are approaching a time when machines will be able to outperform humans at almost any task. I believe that society needs to confront this question before it is upon us: if machines are capable of doing almost any work humans can do, what will humans do?” ~Moshe Vardi
“In 30 years, a robot will likely be on the cover of time magazine as the best CEO.  Machines will do what human beings are incapable of doing.  Machines will partner and cooperate with humans, rather than become mankind’s biggest enemy.” ~Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba.
“Like people including Stephen Hawking and Elon Musk have predicted, I agree that the future is scary and very bad for people. If we build these devices to take care of everything for us, eventually they’ll think faster than us and they’ll get rid of the slow humans to run companies more efficiently.” ~Steve Wozniak
“You take the best and brightest 200 human beings on the planet, you scan their brains and you get robots that to all intents and purposes are indivisible from the humans on which they are based, except a thousand times faster and better.” ~Robin Hanson
“What to do about mass unemployment? This is going to be a massive social challenge.  There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot cannot do better [than a human].  These are not things that I wish will happen.  These are simply things that I think probably will happen.” ~Elon Musk.
“Think about all the personal information that is in your phone and social media.  Have you wondered if artificial intelligence is using the information to manipulate you?  Wonder no more, AI is doing exactly that.” ~Dave Waters

“Predicting the future isn’t magic, it’s artificial intelligence.” ~Dave Waters


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